Hi, I'm Sandra Chepkogei

A Software Developer

I focus on the back-end development of web applications but open to exploring other parts of the stack.


Technical Skills

  • Programming languages: HTML, CSS, Python and C.
  • Frameworks: Python (Flask), Bootstrap
  • Database: SQL (SQLite)
  • Cloud infrastructure: Heroku
  • Utilities: Git

Soft Skills

  • Excellent interpersonal skills. Great team player.
  • Good communication skills.Ability to explain technical matters clearly.
  • Flexibility and adaptability.
  • Fast learner. Ability to learn a new stack fast.
  • Problem solving Skills.



A platform that helps individuals track and monitor their dietary intake. Built with HTML,CSS and Boostrap on the frontend, Python flask on the backend with a SQLite database and hosted on Heroku.


A platform that offers a space to inspire and be inspired. It is built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Python, Flask and SQLite.


An API for accessing notes in a database. One can get one or all the notes, add a note, update a note and delete a note. Build using Python Flask with SQLite database and displayed using Swaggerhub.

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me below if you have any questions or suggestions.